Do moissanite stones scratch?

A common concern when purchasing any gemstone, including moissanite, is its ability to withstand the test of time and daily wear. In particular, the potential for the stone to scratch is often a top consideration. In this article, we explore the durability of moissanite and whether or not it can scratch.

Moissanite is one of the hardest known gemstones, falling just behind diamonds on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness. To give you some perspective, the Mohs scale is a system of ranking minerals based on their ability to scratch or be scratched. A diamond, the hardest natural substance, stands at a solid 10 on the Mohs scale. Moissanite impressively places at 9.25, making it harder than other common gemstones like ruby (9) and sapphire (9).

Given its high rank on the Mohs scale, moissanite is highly resistant to scratches. lab grown marquise diamond.Its hardness level means that it can only be scratched by other substances with equal or greater hardness. This leaves only a handful of materials on earth, such as diamonds or other moissanites, that can potentially scratch it. Therefore, under normal daily wear, it is incredibly unlikely that your moissanite stone will scratch.

However, just because moissanite is resistant to scratching does not mean it is entirely impervious to damage. Like any other gemstone, it can chip or crack if subjected to a strong blow, especially at certain angles. This is why, regardless of the hardness of your gemstone, it's always important to treat your jewelry with care. When participating in any activities that may expose your ring to harsh conditions, it's best to remove it to prevent any potential damage.

In conclusion, while no gemstone is completely scratch-proof, moissanite's excellent hardness makes it highly resistant to scratches, allowing it to maintain its brilliance over time. Its durability, coupled with its dazzling sparkle and ethical manufacturing process, makes moissanite an attractive choice for engagement rings and other types of jewelry. Remember, however, to always handle your jewelry with care to maintain its pristine condition over the years.

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