1 thought on “How to analyze the auto parts industry with the Potter Five Power Model?”

  1. First of all, declare
    I I am not a professional learning marketing. First of all, the barriers to enter: What is the difficulty of the market for competitors to enter the auto parts industry, and how attractive your market is your market for competitors. Second, analyze the existing competitors and see if there are giants in the auto parts market. It is recommended to refer to the market of Cola. Third, the emergence of alternatives, if there is a new product replacement in the auto parts industry, if the auto parts industry has a good form, especially the sales and profits of a certain product will increase, then the alternative will be largely integrated into the auto parts market. At that time, the auto parts market will be The products will be replaced, or due to the influx of alternatives, auto parts producers will face the risk of improving quality and reducing prices. Fourth, consumers' bargaining ability, the main buyers of the auto parts will deliberately send your money into their wallet when the auto parts market is too required, so do not rely too much on a small number of customers and increase the customer base. Fifth, the supplier's bargaining ability, the manufacturer of the auto parts will deliberately raise the price when supplying it, but you have no choice but to do it. If you do n’t buy it, you will lose miserable, and you will earn less.
    is purely original
    is tired of typing
    The landlord gives some points

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